7 News Belize

UDP Endorses Candidate For Toledo East Bi-Election
posted (May 3, 2024)
But the UDP will have no contest for its candidate. The party has agreed to endorse Dennis Williams as the standard bearer for the Toledo East by-election. Barrow discussed his candidacy today:

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Desho is a student protege of Eden Martinez School who was successful against Iron Mike in 2008 and he was very instrumental in bringing Eden in and so I am very confident in his ability to deliver Toledo East for the United Democratic Party."

"He has paid his dues, he has been there since the victory of Eden Martinez who took out Iron Mike and I am confident that whoever the People's United Party candidate is and I know they have their own division and their own civil war happening right now in Toledo East, I'm confident that he will be able to deliver Toledo East for the United Democratic Party."

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