7 News Belize

Belizeans Say Save The Queen, And The Dollar Bill
posted (September 18, 2024)
Last night the Prime Minister updated us on the plans to remove the deceased Queen Elizabeth's face from Belize's currency notes. The plan is to replace her with national heroes George Price and Phillip Goldson.

The Prime Minister said that he should be seeing the proposed notes in a few weeks and that they will be coming into the market soon..

Well, reliable sources tell us just that announcement pushed some big business persons to convert their Belize dollars to US currency - which was confirmed by one banking source who said there was a "small" spike in demand for US dollars.

Of course, changing the faces does nothing to the value of the currency - it would remain the same. But, how do the streets feel about it? Our intern Clifford Mejia went to Mahogany Street to find out.

The Central Bank says it will have a press conference later in t he year.

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