7 News Belize

Will Shyne Switch To Mainland China?
posted (September 18, 2024)
And significantly less clear cut diplomatic decision making is required for Shyne Barrow and the UDP to navigate between Belize's long time ally Taiwan and mainland China.

Shyne threw major shade at Taiwan in the lats house meeting and we asked him what's next:

Jules Vasquez
"Will you stick to your decision, or is there some conciliation afoot with the Taiwanese?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Well, that is not factually true that every UDP leader has pledged support to Taiwan because it was actually, Right Honorable Dean Burrow as Minister of Foreign Affairs."

Jules Vasquez
"He wasn't prime minister."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Sir. Okay. May I answer? Please. I would like to answer. Okay, so Prime Minister Manuel Esquivel as UDP leader, established diplomatic ties with China. That is the truth in 1984. So let us be factual. So every UDP leader has not supported Taiwan. Sir Manuel Esquivel in 1984 established relations with China."

Jules Vasquez
"Fair, sir, will you follow his lead?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"My position as relates to Taiwan was on a specific basis of what myself and many colleagues, in the executive believe was interference with our democracy and, just, corrupt activity to be giving, monies to the NGO, the NGO of the Prime Minister's family,"

"And to not, support the opposition. If you want to support democracy, then you support everyone."

Jules Vasquez
"Could this all be solved if the Taiwanese would say "see it ya Mr Shyne - meek we handle you."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"The fact of the matter is, we don't represent ourselves. We represent people. So if there is a formula that they are following where the help NGOs belonging to the Prime Minister's family, then it would only be expected that they would help NGOs related to the opposition leader or to the opposition United Democratic Party, because you're helping the Belizean people."

"I have taken extreme foreign policy positions before, but I have evolved to a level where I believe in being centered and moderation. I don't believe extremism gets you anywhere, no matter how strongly you feel."

Jules Vasquez
"Sir, you just repudiated Belize's greatest contributor and ally because they never "handle you" for election."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"What are you talking about?"

Jules Vasquez
"But how can you state this is maturation?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Sir, sir, sir, be fair. Don't defame me, brother. No, I did not repudiate anyone. I am telling you that the colleagues in the party that feel that you are interfering with our democracy when you are giving one, why would Taiwan give one political party any money?"

Jules Vasquez
"So you believe we should maintain relations with Taiwan nonetheless?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"The party, the UDP will guide on that decision. The cabinet will guide on that decision. I have great difficulty with the behavior of Taiwan. China is the world's second largest economy. America, the UK, France, all of the G7 have relations with China, and there are only ten nations out of all of the United Nations that have relations with Taiwan."

"So for a nation that is hungry by a thread, to be interfering in people's democracy, to me is not smart."

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