7 News Belize

Julius Claps At Hugo Patt
posted (September 19, 2024)

And we also asked Espat if he's dealt with the Remate Road issue. In the House of Representatives last Friday, Corozal North area rep complained that after being opened on May 8th the road has been deteriorating despite having just been built. Espat clapped back, saying that Hugo Patt should worry about more pressing matters in his party.

Julius Espat, Minister of Infrastructure Development
"I think Hugo Patt needs to concentrate on more important things, every time he comes to the House he speaks on the Remate because there's nothing else for him to do. He has to work on his party before he can start criticizing the work we are doing. We sent out an engineering team, both international consultants and our engineers and there's no problem that he had mentioned. So I challenge him for the third time, you have a specific problem, bring it to us, we will go out there, we will deal with it, he has not done so and so I expect him to raise it again because he has nothing else to speak on and so the Remate seems to be the thing that sticks in his head. That's fine, I understand all of that, but don't come with accusations that don't have any basis. If it has basis, we will deal with it. And if it's anybody's fault, including ours, we will solve it. But don't get up and repeat the same rhetoric over and over with no basis."

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