7 News Belize

ComPol Slams Shyne With Stats
posted (September 19, 2024)

The Compol stands by his numbers.

And going slightly over the top, Compol Chester adds that the leader of the opposition's speech is not only an affront to him as the top cop, but to the country as well, especially those who may consider visiting Belize.

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"It is so sad that the Leader of the Opposition knows the truth, he knows the reality of where we stand with crime statistics yet he would use the opportunity of the media to say to the Belizean people that murders are up by 40%. That crime, yes year to date, that crime is out of control. Marisol, Ms Lanza Ana Mr Lopez you people work in the media you all know this is not true. And that's the reason why I saw it prudent to respond to him because we cannot allow him to mislead the Belizean people and it is not just about Belize you know he calls himself a patriotic man but when you do things like lie about your country and lie about the state of security in your country you are doing your country a disservice because people in the international world who may want to come to Belize and they see your interview they see your comments will not want to come because they fear that if they come to Belize crime is out of control they may become the victim of a crime so when he does these things he is causing a disservice to the nation and that's the reason why i presented the statistics for you all to see and for the nation to see and if you all wish you can fact check my press release compared to what he said."

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