7 News http://www.7newsbelize.com/ en-US Sun, 09 Mar 2025 02:18:07 +0000 Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 FeedWriter Bus Turns Over, KHMH Responds To Mass Casualty Event https://www.7newsbelize.com/sstory.php?nid=73558 But the KHMH was ready as soon as they got the alert. Courtney Menzies went to the hospital today and has this story.

30 commuters with varying degrees of injuries were rushed to the KHMH this morning after the Central Transit Bus they were on turned over. Chaos followed the accident - many of the passengers were sitting or lying on the ground, waiting for help to arrive.

One passenger who had to remain at the hospital explained that it all happened so fast.

Ashanti Can, Teacher, Holy Redeemer Primary School "When we reached at Manatee Lookout, the bump there, we picked up the last set of passengers and the man crossed the bump and from there, he picked up speed and when I say speed, he was speeding very fast because he did it yesterday but today was even faster and when he got to those curves, because there are some very deep curves on that side and he went and he was unable to gain control of the bus again. When I looked up I realized the bus is going so but the tail of the bus where I am isn't going the same direction as the bus. And he began to fishtail and his first aim was into the seawall and for some reason, by the grace of God, we did not go in the water. He swerved around again to the next side of the road and then he swerved again and I guess that's where he got the blow out and from there he landed on the side and the bus just skated into the bushes where the lamppost was and that was it."

"The first thing when I saw that it was aiming towards the sea, I grabbed my kids, my son and my next two kids and I shielded my son a lot so I took most of the impact for him because he's only 5. My first thing was please, please don't let it go in the water because… the water part was the most traumatic part."

"I sat on the side of the road and that was it, I could not move from there, my leg was unable to move, it was starting to go numb and the BERT people said not to move that they would get a stretcher and that's how I came to the hospital, me and my other daughter."

"It's not a cut, it's more like a sprain, that's what the doctors explained to me. The ligaments are sprained so it's like a sprained ankle and I got a burst lip, my face, my eye, I even got some over this side where I'm all banged up and stuff like that."

Once these passengers arrived at the hospital, the KHMH's staff launched into what they call their mass casualty action plan.

Darwin Slusher, RN, Adult ICU/A&E Unit, KHMHA "With the activation of that action plan then we had to utilize and mobilize our resources for the more critical or seriously ill clients that access the care. So how the plan worked is we'd have one of the senior nurses on duty such as myself who would then tag and triage these patients as they enter to the main gate. And so we identified them as a code red, code yellow, green, code black, which is obvious death of course. So once we have established patients under a specific category then we would set these patients in a particular area of the unit for care."

"Thankfully this morning though, majority of these casualties were considered a green which is stable, minor cuts, lacerations, couple sutures here and there."

"Our clients were able to get an LG 6 for the pain, X-ray department was called out for additional support so we can do full body imaging just to make sure that we clear these patients from any underlying injury not seen to the naked eye."

And while there were media reports of the KHMH being unable to handle the magnitude of patients, Slusher denied these reports and clarified that the process to treat every single patient went smoothly.

Darwin Slusher, RN, Adult ICU/A&E Unit, KHMHA "This is something that's often rehearsed. We rehearse our action plan for moments like these to ensure that our staff is equipped and everybody knows their key role of their level of support when it comes to mass casualties for example we have a trauma bay, and in that trauma bay houses 5 critical beds. And those beds were made reserve should in the event we had any casualties fall under code red which is our serious ill patients and then we set up team dynamics at each bed, at each site so one nurse will be responsible only for triaging and documenting, a next nurse for starting IVs and giving medication, a next nurse for any additional support that the patient needs and then two doctors to each bed. And so these doctors then one would be ordering the labs for the patients while the other doctor is physically assessing the patients."

"I can assure you this morning that we had the right amount of nurses, support auxiliary staff and doctors who responded to this mass casualty event with efficacy. I also note that maybe one of the hits we might take it we don't have the supplies, well I can assure you that we had the adequate amount of resources, both human and material resources to treat each and every single patient both from the accident and other incoming emergencies to the accident and emergency wing."

In fact, the medical staff on shift were to clock out at 7am, but stayed for the entire morning and then some as they continued to tend to the patients. Even the security guards chipped in when it came to keeping the peace outside the hospital.

Maurice Westby, Senior Supervisor, KHMHA "The most difficult part would be the family members because remember nobody is begging to be in this hospital. People come here because they need medical attention and some family members get contract, 'your family member was just in a crazy bus accident, they're doing bad, all sorts of things, so you get all the family members rushing in but all people want to know that they're family member is receiving medical service and that's why we, the security officers, the frontline people, the nurses, the doctors, give that assurance."

"We made sure that all family members got a briefing on their families, we liaised with the nurses the doctors, a few of them came down to the main gate, gave the family members a quick little update. We stayed on top of the game this morning and I am so proud of our security staff, nurses and doctors because they really pulled, man, it was crazy this morning at the KHMHA. But as you've noticed, the crowd is gone. This is what happens once we come together and liaise with our people."

And according to the public relations officer, it's times like these that help the KHMH to rebrand and for the wider public to be assured that they will receive the best care possible.

Tylon Tillett, Public Relations Officer, KHMHA "This is what we are designed and trained to do. We are the only hospital that can respond with the level of care that was required this morning. And the people who benefit from the KHMH are no longer the silent majority. People are using social media to, and if you look at the comments, to positively say their experience at the KHMH as of late especially and so the people that have gotten good care are being very vociferous and we still have the one or two who will say hey, this and that about the KHMH and that's alright, we are at a place where life meets death, where the sick and the healthy come and sometimes the outcomes are not exactly what we hope for, but healthcare is not an exact science but we try our best to make sure that we hold the line whether it is a pandemic or a mass casualty such as this morning."

And while these types of accidents aren't common, Can told us that she constantly feels her life is endangered using the buses - which she needs to do everyday, since she lives in Ladyville.

Ashanti Can, Teacher, Holy Redeemer Primary School "It's like they're always racing to go where? I don't know because you will still get there. Why put people's lives at risk? It's not the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, not even the sixth time. It's something that they are doing over, competing with the other bus companies for passengers and most times, there are a couple of times that me and them will get into little disputes just because it's like, one, you're packing the people on the bus then on top of that you're going speed with these people on the bus os it's something that is happening every single day that they just speed and they overtake. Like if there's just an open space that they can drive."

And a Facebook post from Daniel Salinas, the owner of the bus line, stated, quote, "My primary concern right now is the well-being of our passengers and crew, and I am are cooperating with the authorities to understand the details of what happened…I ask that those who were affected please reach out to me." End quote.

Police haven't indicated if charges will be brought.

]]> Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Two Reds, One Mesopotamia https://www.7newsbelize.com/sstory.php?nid=73559 Tracy Panton's faction of the red party has been lasering in on that constituency, recruiting Lee Mark Chang as a heavyweight contender against the incumbent Shyne Barrow.

The staging ground is the UDP's feast seat statistically in the country - but with two major candidates - could the UDP end up losing this stronghold?

Yesterday, we went on the campaign trail with both UDP standard bearers who had two very different campaign styles. Courtney Menzies has this story.

The Mesopotamia constituency has had a UDP representative since 1979 and this time, they have two red options to choose from. The incumbent rep, Shyne Barrow, leader of his faction of the party, will be facing off against a not-so-newcomer, Lee Mark Chang.

Chang is no stranger to politics, but he had stepped out of that world after his loss in Caribbean Shores in 2020. He had also previously ran in Freetown. But this time he's gone home to Mesopotamia - where he spent his childhood.

But does he actually want to be an area rep or is his focus solely on ousting Barrow? In response to that criticism, he says his target is no secret.

Lee Mark Chang, TP UDP Standard Bearer, Mesopotamia "Anybody could say what they want to say but we have to do what we have to do to make sure we can fix the party and make sure the country could run democratically."

"It will definitely keep red but they just want to vote for another red and not the current area representative, that is the feedback that I've been getting. They want to vote red and they want to keep it away from the current area representative. I have campaigned in majority of the area, probably 80, 90% of the area and we have a lot of votes, UDP votes, that have moved to other divisions because they want to vote for a UDP, they just don't want to vote for this current area representative. So when July come, we'll have to try and bring all of them back."

And as Chang walked through the streets, his campaign style differed from the other politicians. His team consisted of only four others and none of them wore UDP shirts. He moved from home to home, spending a lengthy time at each residence. Passersby shouted in his direction, telling him they had his back and drivers stopped to give him well wishes.

He says he feels that his demeanor towards others is what's helping him win over the voters.

Courtney Menzies: "What do you feel gives you the comparative edge in this election?"

Lee Mark Chang, TP UDP Standard Bearer, Mesopotamia "How you speak and how you talk to people and how you treat them. That is one of my biggest advantages in this election. I've heard some horror stories about how people have been mistreated, hollered at, ridiculed. For me, as a businessman, I don't do those things, we have to treat people with respect, you vote for me, no problem, but we still have to treat people with respect."

Courtney Menzies: "When you're campaigning, what is it that you're telling the voters?"

Lee Mark Chang, TP UDP Standard Bearer, Mesopotamia "It's not more about me telling the voters, it's about what the voters are asking me for. The concerns in the area, and one of the biggest concerns of course, people want land, they want education grants, they want food pantries, they want home improvements and one of the biggest concerns that we have heard is that they want a community center. And so we already have that in the making and once we have that, get the mandate then we will start our community center in the area right where the office is so we'll do the ground floor and we'll change it to the community center which will act also as not only for kids but also for, we're trying to get in the young men and do a crash course in construction for job placement to see which one of the courses in the construction field they like. And then we could probably help them to go to ITVET to get their certification so they could get the job easier."

And in terms of ensuring the voters know which red to mark their 'x' next to, he says the voter education hasn't been too difficult.

Lee Mark Chang, TP UDP Standard Bearer, Mesopotamia "We are sending out our campaign team with the ballot and just to go to house to house and making sure that people know the different between the two reds that says Shyne, there's one that says Lee Mark and then the third one says Mr Ellis and I believe it's just voter education to have to go to the household and show them the sample ballot, we leave it with them and people will decide."

"The people are easy to understand, so I don't think it's something hard, it's just the voter education we need to do properly and on Election Day we'll see the results."

And his opponent says those results will be known before the day is even half over. Barrow's campaign trail was a major juxtaposition to Chang. He flexed his political muscle with a miniature parade of supporters and his campaign song playing on loop as they marched through Mesopotamia. He told us that that's just one form of his campaign.

Courtney Menzies: "Your style of campaigning, walking through the streets like this. Why do you choose this as opposed to door to door campaigning?"

Shyne Barrow, SB UDP Standard Bearer, Mesopotamia "We do door to door this is just one layer of our campaign."

Courtney Menzies: "What's the plan going into March 12th when you hit the ground, what's the first thing you'll start doing?"

Shyne Barrow, SB UDP Standard Bearer, Mesopotamia "On March 12th, the elections will be over by 10:00 in morning."

Courtney Menzies: "Why do you say that?"

Shyne Barrow, SB UDP Standard Bearer, Mesopotamia "Because my people are going to go to vote, this is just a snapshot of the amount of people that we have on the Shyne team."

Courtney Menzies: "What makes you so confident?"

Shyne Barrow, SB UDP Standard Bearer, Mesopotamia "Well I am telling you how I feel and that's all I can do."

And with less than a week until the elections, he says he's not deterred by his opponents.

Courtney Menzies: "How do you gauge your other opponents, Mr Chang and Mr Ellis?"

Shyne Barrow, SB UDP Standard Bearer, Mesopotamia "I don't think about my opponents."

Courtney Menzies: "With 6 days away from the election how is the energy on the ground?"

Shyne Barrow, SB UDP Standard Bearer, Mesopotamia "You see the energy."

Courtney Menzies: "What about the people you talk to, what are they saying?"

Shyne Barrow, SB UDP Standard Bearer, Mesopotamia "The energy is 100%."

But just last week - in the middle of the campaign season - Barrow flew out of the country en route to New York City. He said he had already planned around it.

Shyne Barrow, SB UDP Standard Bearer, Mesopotamia "Oh I had to go, I had an award that I was being given by the chairwoman of the National Congressional Black Caucus and the New York City Council, that was already the plan. Only for a few days."

Courtney Menzies: "You don't feel like it hurts your campaign any at all?"

Shyne Barrow, SB UDP Standard Bearer, Mesopotamia "How so? That's not for you to determine, that's for me to determine."

Courtney Menzies: "That's why I'm asking."

Shyne Barrow, SB UDP Standard Bearer, Mesopotamia "I already answered that."

And if the sharp-tongued Shyne Barrow seems defensive it's because he has a lot, maybe everything riding on this race - while - at worst for Lee Mark Chang - it will be two months wasted in a sprint campaign.

]]> Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 First Term Councillor Ascends To Deputy Mayorship https://www.7newsbelize.com/sstory.php?nid=73560 And today he was uncontested in his bid for deputy mayor. He told us, it's honor:

Eluide Miller, Deputy Mayor "Well I feel extremely honoured of course and excited about the road ahead. I feel honoured because I think the vote Today is a clear sign of the confidence that my colleagues have in me and my ability and my drive and my passion that I bring to the work of the council. The vote was unanimous. I got the support of all my colleagues, and so I take this opportunity to thank them once again and of course I take this opportunity to thank the residents of Belize City because without them I wouldn't even be a council member."

"There were no other nominations besides me. I was nominated by the three term councillor Javier Castellanos who I of course have a great level of respect for. He is one of our senior council members and yeah I was the only nominee in today's election." ]]> Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Deputy Mayor And Mayor Are In Laws, Is It Nepotism? https://www.7newsbelize.com/sstory.php?nid=73561 And while this may be a significant milestone for him he also says that he has not explored other political opportunities like in Freetown for example -where he is rumored to be a possible successor to Francis Fonseca:.

Eluide Miller, Deputy Mayor "A lot of people have tried to make that my brand that I am the mayor's son in law, but I refuse to be diminished to just that. Like I said earlier I have worked persistently I've had to work through so much adversity. I grew up in a situation where I moved from municipality to municipality every 2 to three years given my father's role as a public officer. So given that alone I had to persevere through that and I always had to work extremely hard to be successful through that."

"I worked in the finance department here at the council for just over a year and a year later the opportunity was presented to me by the mayor to serve as his aid and I was sharing with my council members earlier today that its quite funny because I was serving in the finance department over the year and I never crossed paths with the mayor not one day. In fact I never knew what the third floor of city hall looked like throughout my time here in the finance department. But the previous city administrator, Mrs Garbutt, she recommended me to the mayor as a good prospect to be his aid and so he extended that opportunity to me and so that is where our professional working relationship developed. And so I mentioned it in our council meeting today that a lot of people have tried to make that my brand the mayor and I we have a personal relationship yes I've never denied that, that has been public knowledge and it was public knowledge when I went into the convention I placed well in the convention, it was public knowledge when I went to the polls and I was successful at the polls I really think that our residents care about people who work extremely hard for them and that has been proven."

"In terms of Freetown I have been very supportive of my area representative Honourable Francis Fonseca. Him and I, we share a great professional relationship and I've been on the campaign trail with him. In fact I am one of his executive committee members, and so as long as honourable Francis Fonseca aspires to be our area representative he has my full support and I mean that."

We note that at the recent PUP convention, Miller introduced the Freetown delegates during the roll call. ]]> Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 PUP Cayo Standard Bearer Mocks Journalist For Stutter https://www.7newsbelize.com/sstory.php?nid=73562 Earlier this week, Alex Balona was playing to a gathering of party supporters in San Antonio Village - when he mocked Pandy's stutter.

Here's how he played it - and today we got reaction from Pandy:

]]> Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Pandy And Balona Had Facebook Beef https://www.7newsbelize.com/sstory.php?nid=73563 And this morning, after he mocked Pandy - Balona appeared on a Ruta Maya livestream by Pandy - lecturing the journalist - and then walking away:

Balona also has another unfortunate stain on his public record dating back to 2019 at a village council election when he spat on a UDP rival. He has since suggested that something got in his throat. ]]> Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 PM Said This Was His Last Term, One Month Later He's Not So Sure https://www.7newsbelize.com/sstory.php?nid=73564 However, on Wednesday's episode of Uncut, he didn't seem quite so sure anymore. He explained that he felt he was needed in the party, at least to ensure that there is a succession plan in place to avoid what is currently happening in the UDP - and what previously happened in the PUP. So in 2030, we may see a 69 year old John Briceno's name on the ballot once again. Here's what he said about it.

John Briceno, Prime Minister "Initially my immediate reaction back then, you know of a few months ago when a reporter asked me that question, in my mind I was thinking probably maybe this would be my last election. I expected to only do two or three terms and this would be my eighth term, God willing, if the people in Orange Walk Central give me their support."

"So I figured, but in reflection, I think I have a responsibility to our party and to our government. When you look at, in 2008 there was not a succession plan and then look at the term when we went through, because of that we ended up giving Mr. Barrow three terms."

Look at the UDP, the UDP is imploding because there was no succession plan. So in my mind, I think that I want to be able to come up with a succession plan so that when I see that there is a real succession plan that would not create that kind of turmoil that I could leave, then I would leave."

Jules Vasquez "Perhaps no such thing exists though."

John Briceno, Prime Minister "Well now, if I believe that I may need to go into a third term and then after that pass it on to somebody else and then I can go and retire, then if I'm needed, I would do that."

"And so far most of the cabinet members individually can talk to me and say, you know, I think we feel safe until that time comes."

Jules Vasquez "So you're hedging on your decision?"

John Briceno, Prime Minister "Yes, I am hedging. I have to, not because I want to, but I have to. I have a responsibility to my party and also to the work that we've been doing as a government." ]]> Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Hardest Part Of Restricting? Voter Education https://www.7newsbelize.com/sstory.php?nid=73565 But, that means we head into another general election with glaring imbalances in the size of the constituencies which - the constitution says - should be "nearly equal." As we have reported, the largest division, Stann Creek West, is five times the size of the smallest, which is Mesopotamia.

For the Elections and Boundaries Department - they can only start to plan for an imminent redistricting process. According to the Chief Elections Officer, the voter education that will have to take place after will be one of the more difficult parts of the process.

Josephine Tamai, Chief Elections Officer "Well, we all know that the redistricting process had started. And so we're just awaiting feedback to see whenever any decision is being taken because as a department, whatever decision is taken, we need to act, we need to make adjustments to our electoral constituencies when the time comes around. And so it's a process that we have to go through as well. Right. Because any redistricting exercise takes effort. We have to ensure that the data that is provided is accurate. We also need to inform voters as for the constituencies that they're know in. And so it's a process that you go through."

Courtney Menzies: "And that whole informing the voters part, does that lend to a lot of confusion? Because now, or even animosity, people, you know, might get aggressive because they don't want to move from where they are."

Josephine Tamai, Chief Elections Officer "Right. And in many cases, you know, you will find that. But, really and truly something that, we all agree that needs to be done. And so whatever that time comes and that decision is taken, then as a department, we will do what is required of us." ]]> Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 PNP Says Voting Difficult For Toledo East Constituents, E&B Responds https://www.7newsbelize.com/sstory.php?nid=73566 The PNP says they've been met with silence and that it's, quote, "not just disappointing, it is unacceptable."

Yesterday the media asked the Chief Elections Officer about it.

Josephine Tamai, Chief Elections Officer "Well, we had considered it and I've seen the letter that he has submitted. And I will tell you, I remember him saying about one of the polling stations in Otoxha. And if you look at the list that we have published, we no longer have a polling station. And so from time to time, we make changes. One of the things we also have to realize that when it comes to election, you have different polling areas and I know his concern is persons moving or it's closer in certain villages. But we also have to look at the polling area that those place falls under, because we must have those persons vote within the polling area. Right. So there are challenges there. And so, things like those, the redistricting exercise is something that will address those things. But for now, we have to ensure that, we stick to the different polling areas and have persons who within there." ]]> Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Months Later, Man Charged For San Pedro Murder https://www.7newsbelize.com/sstory.php?nid=73567 The victim had claimed self defence and finally his family can hope for justice - after his alleged killer has been charged for murder. Today 27 year old Samuel Bolanos, a self employed resident of Dangriga was arrested and charged for murdering Mathew Moses. He will be remanded to prison. ]]> Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Tensions Remain High, Shots Fired At Jump Street https://www.7newsbelize.com/sstory.php?nid=73568 One regular user recently posted that certain students face daily beating and harassment due to a lack of police presence.

We asked the compol yesterday about it and he says that they are in the process of finding the resources to fix and reopen the booth..

CUE IN CUE OUT ]]> Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 He Stands Alone, But Boots Martinez Says He's Got Everything For Election Day https://www.7newsbelize.com/sstory.php?nid=73569 https://youtu.be/

We also asked his Port Loyola caretaker how she feels about facing a ballot with 3 candidates carrying the color red:

]]> Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 UDP First Time Candidate Sees The Needs Of Rural North https://www.7newsbelize.com/sstory.php?nid=73570 The Shyne Barrow UDP Standard Bearer for Belize Rural Central David Almendarez held a press conference this morning to lay out his platform - and address a number of issues that claims he will find solutions for if voters in that area choose him to be their area representative. Almendarez says his top priorities will be infrastructure and employment.

]]> Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 What's Animating Elvi? Is It A Grudge? https://www.7newsbelize.com/sstory.php?nid=73571 She gave us a run through of all the issues that occurred during her tenure, from being victimized to having GOB funds withheld from her and her constituency.

Still she's decided to run again - after losing a convention. She wants to be the area representative again, but Is her candidacy solely about the people or is she settling a score with her PUP replacement? Here's how she answered us.

Elvi Vega, Corozal Bay Independent Candidate "It's not a personal grudge."

Jules- "You could have just walked away, why didn't you walk away?"

Elvi Vega, Corozal Bay Independent Candidate "Because the people, because of the people, Jules."

Jules- "Aha? Everybody says that though."

Elvi Vega, Corozal Bay Independent Candidate "Jules I have my job, I have a job waiting for me, people tell me Elvi why did you do this, I did it because of the people. But you realise Elvi you will not get a ministry vehicle, you will not get those, you will not be a minister, Jules when you want to work you don't need those things. And you will be able to spend more time in your constituency as an area representative. So Jules at the end of the day it's for the people that's why I'm doing it."

]]> Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000