7 News Belize

Taxi Man Killed In Trial Farm, Robbery Likely
posted (March 6, 2025)
And there is also a murder to report in the north - though this one has nothing to do with the cartel or local counterparts.

A well known taxi man was targeted in a vicious robbery last night. Jomarie Lanza was in Trial Farm today and here's what she learned:

Investigators suspect that 51 year old taxi driver Romualdo Vasquez may have been the victim of a robbery last nigh in Trial Farm Orange Walk. Vasquez had picked up a passenger but somewhere along this stretch on San Martin street a struggle ensued between him and that person and he ended up crashing this metal gate at the corner of Black Water street. Vasquez made an attempt to seek help by crawling out of the vehicle but due to the degree of his wounds he passed away at the scene.

Chester Williams,Commissioner of Police
"Police were called to this area late last night or early this morning and upon arrival they encountered a vehicle that was crashed into a building or a tree and inside the vehicle was the lifeless body of a male person that exhibited stab wounds. The Body was taken to the hospital where it was pronounced dead on arrival. Information so far is that the deceased was in the company of some person in the same vehicle and that person may have inflicted injuries to him and then flee the vehicle and went about his business so police are currently actively investigating that matter with a view to be able to see if we can identify the person who flee from the vehicle when the incident occurred."

"What does it appear to be at this time?"

Chester Williams,Commissioner of Police
"It can either be a case of robbery or a case of 2 friends arguing we don't know who was in the vehicle with him at the time who escaped so we will have to find out who that person is to arrive at a more definitive motive."

Vasquez had been a member of the Community Taxi service in Orange walk for the past 8 years. Today his fellow cabbies were saddened. His colleagues say that when they heard the news they were in disbelief:

Voice of: Justin Chan, Community Taxi Service Member
"When we heard that happened, to the man last night, when we heard it first we thought it was an accident but when we saw that they killed him. They cut his throat and so, I really feel it for his family, his wife and the kids because during these times he would be here with his baby feeding her and 1:00 he would take her back to school. Mr Vasquez was a person that he didn't mess with anyone, he worked he is here until the last bus to take people you know. And it's so sad that they did this to the man that way."

"The last time I saw him was about 5:30 my next colleague saw him around 7:15 he was still here around 7:15, so he was still here at 7:15 so yeah."

"We don't know if he picked up the person from here or out there you understand me so we don't know If its from terminal or from out there he picked up the person, because how they had that road blocked the bus around that time I think they stop coming so I don't know if its out there he picked up the person or right here."

And now the other members of the association are on edge and asking whether it is safe to still be picking up passengers late at night

Justin Chan, Community Taxi Service Member
"I don't know who to trust you understand me? It could be anybody and for a little bit of money because we don't really make a lot of money out here for them to chance the man just like that, if you are going to rob the man then rob him and let him live you know but don't kill the man."

"And he was a person that worked for his family you know, and we send Ms Rosita condolences to the family, to his daughters, to his mom, everybody."

His wife declined comment.

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