And one of the PUP's trying to take down Panton is Anthony Mahler, the Pickstock area rep.
He's got all the time in the world because he's already won his election - by default.
And while many have viewed that as a strategic play, Mahler told us today that he was ready to put up a fight for the Pickstock constituency and was actually looking forward to being out in the field for elections. We asked Mahler why he thinks his opponent stepped down and here's how he answered us.
Anthony Mahler, Minister of Tourism
"Well I am disappointed too I am an ultra competitive individual and I wanted to put boots on the ground and continue to serve the people of Pickstock by winning the next election but it did not play out like that but to be honest I can understand the situation from my opponent because if you don't have the resources then you can't really compete and you will just embarrass yourself right."
"There is always the criticism that Mahler buy over his opponent so now you have a chance to respond to that."
Anthony Mahler, Minister of Tourism
"Well they said that about me in 2012 and 2011 when I stepped down from Caribbean shores and no man or woman or dog can come and tell you that they gave me any money. So it was a strategic decision for me at that time and I can understand because I was in that position so anybody who says they gave me money, come and prove that to me."