7 News Belize

Pickstock Team Fanning Out Like Free Agents
posted (March 6, 2025)
And while Mahler won't be as active in his constituency on election day he says that he plans to assist his other party colleagues in their division, primarily in the southside areas. He says his schedule definitely has not lightened.

Anthony Mahler, Minister of Tourism
"Well I've promised the prime minister that I will try to help as many candidates in Belize city especially on the South side and we will see where we go from there but my schedule hasn't lightened, it has gotten a lot more intense."

"Well I have been walking around over the last week almost since nomination day and since I found out that I wouldn't go to an election. Like I said I really wanted to go to an election to show the Pickstock machinery is alive and well and it is one of the best in the entire country. And I just want to use this opportunity to thank all the residents of Pickstock, all the campaign team for "change agent" and "more blessings" message. Thank you, thank you thank you."

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