7 News Belize
7 News Belize Headlines
Shyne Says Briceno Admin Led To A Failed State
Twenty four hours after the Prime Minister's State of the Nation address, the Leader of the Opposition gave his response. It wasn't as swanky as Briceno's setup - he read his speech from...
ComPol Clarifies Shyne's Crime Numbers
And in Barrow's speech, he spoke about murder increasing 40% year to date. Well, that surely triggered Commissioner Chester Williams - who took it as a personal affront,. Five hours ...
Shyne Says Briceno Can't Handle The 21st Heat
And while the Compol may end up needing his own platform for a response to the response, today was reserved for the Leader of the Opposition. As we told you the State of the Nation speec...
Briceno Brought Out The Fanfare, Shyne Says He Doesn't Need It
And we had to point out the elephant in the room - while Briceno's showing included ministers, CEO's, PUP fanatics, and students, Barrow stood alone at the podium. But he says that's the...
GOB Ok's Importation Of 10k Cases Of Corona
Tonight, 7News has learned that the government of Belize has given conditional authorization to a company that wants to import 10 thousand cases of Corona Beer. As you probably know, t...
Cop Remanded For Gun Play
Tonight a police constable is on remand after he was arraigned on two counts of harm and one count of aggravated assault. The incident reportedly happened in early September when 35 year o...
President Of Evangelical Association Charged For Sex Crime
Tonight the heads of the Evangelical Movement hang low after their president has been charged for sex crimes. This morning in Punta Gorda, a pastor, 65 year old Victor Wagner Hern...
Belizeans Say Save The Queen, And The Dollar Bill
Last night the Prime Minister updated us on the plans to remove the deceased Queen Elizabeth's face from Belize's currency notes. The plan is to replace her with national heroes George Pric...
Deputy Mayor Says King Tides Will Soon Pass
The King Tides have been plaguing Belize City since Sunday. And after last night's full moon residents were faced with walking through flooded streets again this morning. We asked the ...
St Thomas Street, A Major Project, A Major Pain For Residents
And aside from the Tides in the downtown STREETS, Pollard says that they are also wary of the conditions of the streets in the Kings Park area, particularly St Thomas Street, one of the bu...
A Fountain For The Youth
It's goodbye to plastic bottles and water pouches at Wesley College. A ribbon cutting ceremony took place this morning for a Water Fountain that was installed at the school. Jomari...
What, If Anything Shyne Know About Diddy, And When Did He Know It?
Turning back now to politics - we have to talk about Sean P Diddy Combs. He's charged for sex trafficking and other federal and has been denied bail and is tonight in jail at the ...
Shyne Says Alliance Members Officially Expelled From UDP
And while Barrow has renounced P Diddy, in a different context he did the same for Patrick Faber, Tracy Panton, John Saldivar, and Beverly Williams. They have been formally expelled from ...
One Opposition Bench, But Not One Party
We also asked Barrow about whether both Panton and Faber appearing on the opposition bench in the House a few seats down from him meant anything. He flatly rejected that. Jules Vasquez...
Speaker Explains Balance Of Power On Opposition Bench
Here's how the speaker explained the opposition arrangement when she appeared on Sunup on Monday. She said, it cannot be about parties - it about the area they were voted to represent: ...
A Cute Mural By Cuties
If you haven't been by Rodger's Stadium today, you might not have seen the new art work that has been added to the walls outside. The City Council held an unveiling ceremony this...
Towering Statue Of Price Unveiled
And the patriotic art spree continues tonight at Battlefield Park. That's where an 11 foot statue of George Price by Stephen Okeke is being unveiled at this hour. We'll have the full r...
Shyne Says PM Should Have Come Back With Protocol, Not Photo Ops
Turning back now to politics with a shot of diplomacy - Shyne Barrow today stressed that the Briceno government needs to do more to protect the Sarstoon. This month alone there have been two...
Will Shyne Switch To Mainland China?
And significantly less clear cut diplomatic decision making is required for Shyne Barrow and the UDP to navigate between Belize's long time ally Taiwan and mainland China. Shyne thre...

7 News Belize - News:
Important Note: This Internet version of 7 News is a verbatum transcript of our evening television news script. Many interviews on our newscast are conducted in Creole. In the interest of clarity for our foreign readers, we attempt to paraphrase the Creole quotes in English

Shyne Says Briceno Admin Led To A Failed State

(posted on Wed Sep 18, 2024)
Twenty four hours after the Prime Minister's State of the Nation address, the Leader of the Opposition gave his response. It wasn't as swanky as Briceno's setup - he read his speech from the UDP's HQ, and the content was a culmination of issues he has addressed in his regular press briefings.

The speech tackled health, crime, energy, education, national security, and more. And unlike the usual 21st speeches, there were no direct personal attacks or bombs dropped.

And while there were some exaggerations, Barrow stuck to the issues that he believes has the nation in a failed state. Courtney Menzies was there and has this story.

If you listened to PM John Briceno's State of the Nation address yesterday, you'd have heard good tidings of economic growth, low unemployment rates, and tax relief.

And while the PM's showing included ministers, CEO's, and even schoolchildren, Leader of the Opposition Shyne Barrow's response was spartan by comparison - Barrow stood at a podium, the table to his right empty of his party colleagues.

But Barrow didn't need the fanfare - he wasted no time is refuting Briceno's claims of a prosperous and ascendant Belize:

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"After 4 years of the Briceno Administration, ask yourselves, are your lives any better? Can you afford the highest cost of living ever? Are you closer to getting your first affordable home? Did you get your first piece of land? Are you getting affordable quality public healthcare? Can you afford to send your children to school? Do you have food security? Are you living the Belizean dream or the dreaded nightmare?"

"The state of the nation is failing when you fail to collect proper taxes from those making the most, especially those price gouging leeches, business people who exploit the vulnerable while evading tax compliance."

"Do not tell Belizeans about a 3% unemployment rate when the poverty rate is 39%, when 130,000 Belizeans remain unemployed or under employed."

Barrow's address then attacked key sectors - he lamented the dilapidated state of the KHMH, and the shortages of medical equipment that have been reported across all public hospitals in the country. He also chastised the government for not having the foresight to tackle Belize's energy crisis from the start of their term.

And like in most of Barrow's briefings, he did not miss the opportunity to criticize the police department:

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Police brutality is on the rise due to a culture of corruption where the Minister and ComPol defend the indefensible and give their favorite carte blanche."

"Our crime rates and the state of our policing system are deeply troubling. Morale within our Department is at an all-time low, hampered by political interference and micromanagement. Ineffective policing has led to the extension of the State of Emergency, a measure that according to John Briceno underscores the failure of the State."

And another failure he pointed out was the lackluster response to the incursions in Belize's water by the Guatemalan Armed Forces.

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"This in the context of Briceno just visiting Guatemala taking pictures with the President and coming back with nothing but PR and photo ops because obviously the protocol Sarstoon that they promised in Scam Belize and respect for our territorial integrity was not on the agenda. The once mighty pup who promised to put the Guatemalans in check once elected are now neutered with the Foreign Minister having more disdain for the BTV than the Guatemalans who claim Belize as their own."

And Barrow closed off his analysis of the state of the nation by attempting to hit the Briceno government where it hurts - their reverence for George Price:

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Tomorrow we have a wreath laying ceremony for the Right Hon. George Price, father of our Independence who was a champion of Social Justice. Unfortunately this Briceno pup Government is the antithesis of pro poor doctrine of George Price."

"The State of the Nation is worse than it has ever been with a Government led by a Cabinet of hawks who care only about Capitalism and nothing about human capital."

Barrow's entire address lasted 40 minutes - double the time of PM Briceno's.

ComPol Clarifies Shyne's Crime Numbers

(posted on Wed Sep 18, 2024)
And in Barrow's speech, he spoke about murder increasing 40% year to date. Well, that surely triggered Commissioner Chester Williams - who took it as a personal affront,.

Five hours after the address, he fired off his own 500 word press release correcting the information. The Commissioner says that major crimes are down 54%. In regards to murder, the number stood at 66 this time last year, and this year it is at 65. He adds that burglaries are down from 398 to 300.

Additionally, the LOO stated that 26-year-old Daniel Cal was murdered in police custody. The ComPol said that those claims are reckless and desperate since the results of the postmortem have been released, showing that Cal died from acute respiratory distress.

Shyne Says Briceno Can't Handle The 21st Heat

(posted on Wed Sep 18, 2024)
And while the Compol may end up needing his own platform for a response to the response, today was reserved for the Leader of the Opposition.

As we told you the State of the Nation speeches is the government's way of getting ahead of the usual political sniping that has come to define 21st speeches, and giving way to patriotism.

Today Barrow said he doesn't buy it. He believes the reason for this format change is because the PM wouldn't be able to withstand facing off with the Leader of the Opposition.

He added that while he has no problem with this setup, he'd prefer if Briceno was honest about it.

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Prime Minister is such dishonest person. It's hard to be cordial with him and find common ground with him because he lies profusely. Everyone knows that John Briceno, as the leader of the opposition, was one of the worst terrorists of Independence Day. He would go- it would be the Independence Day massacre when he would go and attack Dean Barrow. It was terrible. And you, the media, those of you like Marisol, you have been there, you're senior, you remember that? He never gave in a statesman speech or any patriotic speech. So to pretend as if my speeches were anything different, what he can't do, he can't win that battle. So he has put up the white flag and say, you know what? I can't take it, please. However, I do concede that there is a time and place for everything, and it is long overdue, that certain days be de politicized."

"But this state of the nation was important to give the overview of the many failings of the new administration, in contrast to the lies that he told."

And like we mentioned earlier, Barrow's speech was twice as long as Briceno's. The media asked him if that was on purpose.

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"No, I think his speech was quintessential John Briceno - 30 year, status quo, safe, light, you know, superficial, nothing in depth. Nothing groundbreaking. Again, when you talk about the tax, raising the threshold, what he needs to talk about is tax compliance. What he needs to talk about is collecting taxes from all of those people that are evading taxes. I'm talking about million dollar corporations. What they need to do is talk about the tax disparity where as I said, working class Belizeans are paying 25% tax. Well, certain special Belizeans are paying 6% and 3%. And you have, these corporations that are price gouging, that are exploiting Belizean people, evading taxes. That is what we need to look at."

Briceno Brought Out The Fanfare, Shyne Says He Doesn't Need It

(posted on Wed Sep 18, 2024)
And we had to point out the elephant in the room - while Briceno's showing included ministers, CEO's, PUP fanatics, and students, Barrow stood alone at the podium. But he says that's the norm in the US and that he doesn't require the same level of fanfare.

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Well, it is, typical. This is the opposition. He used the government's taxpaying dollars to put on this show. And it is normal for any response of the state of the nation that the opposition gives, to be based on substance, not hype. So I was not interested in putting on a facade and pomp and circumstance. If you look at the United States, where the president gives the state of the Union in the House of Representatives with all of the pomp and circumstance, and then whoever is not in government giv

es a televised response. It's real simple."

Courtney Menzies:
"You call it a facade, But is it a facade to have the support of your party? You keep mentioning that you're not, that you don't stand alone on these decisions that you make. But the chairman isn't here. The executives, other members of your party that you say are working behind the scenes, they aren't here. And you had all these chairs set up."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"No, those chairs always do. That is just the way the office is set up."

GOB Ok's Importation Of 10k Cases Of Corona

(posted on Wed Sep 18, 2024)
Tonight, 7News has learned that the government of Belize has given conditional authorization to a company that wants to import 10 thousand cases of Corona Beer.

As you probably know, that's Mexico's number one beer-and one of the top brands in the world. The importer, which is a local company named Goliath, tells government it wants to import it for the tourism sector - where Belikin's recent production shortfalls have been pronounced.

So, the Ministry of Agricultural and Food Security's Office of Supplies Control granted approval, but only if the bottles are labelled "Belize Market". And also, that all 10 thousand cases cannot be imported at once. And that the beers would have to pay all duties - which are prohibitively high since there is no reduced CSME tariff applied to the Mexican beer.

That would work out to about a hundred dollars per case according to one estimate. So now it is left up to the importer.

But, that is hardly a consolation for Bowen and Bowen Belize which produces Belikin beer. A spokesperson says they are disappointed the importation is even being considered. They add that the Mexican government vigorously protects its market and, quote, "we should be expecting the same from Belize. Anyone trying to cross the border into Mexico with just one case of beer is forced to throw it out - why aren't we displaying the same national pride to protect Belize's industry?"

We're told the news of the conditional approval has caused some disquiet at high levels of government where Bowen executives have expressed dismay at the decision. We'll keep following the story.

Cop Remanded For Gun Play

(posted on Wed Sep 18, 2024)
Tonight a police constable is on remand after he was arraigned on two counts of harm and one count of aggravated assault. The incident reportedly happened in early September when 35 year old Constable David Gongora allegedly pulled out his firearm at the corner of King Street and Amara Avenue with three persons. He appeared unrepresented and pleaded not guilty. Due to the nature of the offense, no bail could be granted. He will reappear in court on November 15.

President Of Evangelical Association Charged For Sex Crime

(posted on Wed Sep 18, 2024)
Tonight the heads of the Evangelical Movement hang low after their president has been charged for sex crimes.

This morning in Punta Gorda, a pastor, 65 year old Victor Wagner Hernandez was charged for rape and sexual assault allegedly committed upon a 35 year old woman.

He was arraigned at PG magistrate court this morning for two counts of rape and one count of sexual assault. Though bail is usually denied for such offences, Because of his age and the age of the alleged victim, Magistrate Thompson decided to grant the pastor bail of $10,000. He has to follow the usual bail stipulations.

Pastor Hernandez is a prominent religious figure in Toledo where he heads the Toledo Outreach Christian Center - which is known to get good international support. A release from The National Evangelical Association of Belize says they were, quote "Rev. Hernandez has been removed from NEAB Executive Leadership effective immediately while the investigation is ongoing. We have reached out to those close to the victim, who is under the care of a licensed trauma therapist….we pray for all involved, and in particular, the victim who has developed the courage to come forward." End quote.

Belizeans Say Save The Queen, And The Dollar Bill

(posted on Wed Sep 18, 2024)
Last night the Prime Minister updated us on the plans to remove the deceased Queen Elizabeth's face from Belize's currency notes. The plan is to replace her with national heroes George Price and Phillip Goldson.

The Prime Minister said that he should be seeing the proposed notes in a few weeks and that they will be coming into the market soon..

Well, reliable sources tell us just that announcement pushed some big business persons to convert their Belize dollars to US currency - which was confirmed by one banking source who said there was a "small" spike in demand for US dollars.

Of course, changing the faces does nothing to the value of the currency - it would remain the same. But, how do the streets feel about it? Our intern Clifford Mejia went to Mahogany Street to find out.

The Central Bank says it will have a press conference later in t he year.

Deputy Mayor Says King Tides Will Soon Pass

(posted on Wed Sep 18, 2024)
The King Tides have been plaguing Belize City since Sunday. And after last night's full moon residents were faced with walking through flooded streets again this morning. We asked the Deputy mayor about it and he says the waters will begin to recede soon:

Allan Pollard, Deputy Mayor, Belize City
"As you can see in most of the areas it has gone down so we are very thankful for that but as the experts have indicated to everyone it really is a unique situation where the river is actually coming above normal heights and that mixed with high tide is a recipe for disaster. We cannot of course we had a meeting yesterday with the mayor and we cannot stress enough how much we have to sensitize people to understand that climate change is real it's here and everyone talks about in the future when it comes to climate change but we are actually living in examples of what we are seeing. I have never personally seen the river that high I've never seen streets being that flooded without any rainfall. So it just shows that it is not so much of a drainage issue but just climate change in general. For example someone sent me a video of the area by hanger yesterday and to see the sea level that high as well it just shows overall what we are going through is something that is very alarming and we have to make sure that we are putting the right measures in I mean the pumping station is one effort but that alone cannot drain all the water out of Belize city. And that's a pilot program so we have to look at other areas and we have to ensure that we are keeping up with the maintenance of the city as well to ensure that water drains off as quickly as possible."

Florida forecasts say the King Tides will last until September 23rd - and return in October, November and December.

St Thomas Street, A Major Project, A Major Pain For Residents

(posted on Wed Sep 18, 2024)
And aside from the Tides in the downtown STREETS, Pollard says that they are also wary of the conditions of the streets in the Kings Park area, particularly St Thomas Street, one of the busiest sections. He says that they have joined forces with other entities to see how they can address the problem.

Allan Pollard, Deputy Mayor, Belize City
"St Thomas Street is long overdue as you may know we have more streets that we are doing the city has mostly been either government or city council this one is kind of a mix it is city council it's government and we've involved the utility companies as well. As you know, there has to be some level of paperwork to ensure that each participating body is getting their fair share of the deal so we have had to liaise with BTL we have liaised with Belize water services, also with the ministry of infrastructure and also with the Belize city council, so we had a lot of contractual setbacks in terms of getting the proper contract and getting the contractor to agree to the terms that we usually provide, and also to get us to agree as well and of course, the other stakeholders to get in there as well, but I am confident that after the September celebrations, we should start that project very soon. I know the resident clamor for this to be done. I know who also travel the area, but I can assure the community that it will be done very very soon."

A Fountain For The Youth

(posted on Wed Sep 18, 2024)
It's goodbye to plastic bottles and water pouches at Wesley College. A ribbon cutting ceremony took place this morning for a Water Fountain that was installed at the school. Jomarie Lanza was there and has this story.

The phase out for single plastics in Belize movement has been on the march for some time now, and here at Wesley College they have joined in to do their part by reducing the number of plastic water bottles and pouches on campus with the help of this fancy contraption.

The water fountain encourages them to bring and use their refillable water bottles here on campus, reducing the need for disposable single-use plastics at this seaside school. They partnered with the Sea Of Life to make this initiative possible.

Paulita Bennet Martín, Co Founder, Sea Of Life
"We met with Wesley, Sea of life did last year we just started conversations about the issues of plastic pollution and seeing how Wesley college is a historic institution of Belize and it soars right of the sea we were really exploring what that looks like any piece of litter that goes astray on Wesley Campus chances are winds up right in the Belizean Ocean So we were having discussions about how we might solve that and together we decided to address single use plastic plastic bottles, and water pouches."

The drinking fountain uses a reverse osmosis system which filters the water from the taps all over again, ultimately Ultra purifying the water and making it drinkable. Students will pay a one time $35 fee for the year and will have access to clean drinking water anytime during school hours

Paulita Bennet Martín, Co Founder, Sea Of Life
"So Sea of Life had entered an agreement with the school for a minimum of two years and an option to continue and what we bring to the table in addition to helping to secure funds to get the systems installed in the school campuses as we also create educational materials and assets for the classroom because the only way to change is with consistency and investing in people if we want to see change, we have to work together to create that change."

"Just like we draw our water from rivers and from surface waters under the earth. We actually are filtering that same water that commercial water suppliers are filtering and we send it through a triple filtration system so reverse osmosis, wind up, pumping out the cleanest water possible on the planet and so it's basically while it is not coming from a company package, single plastic like jugs or pouches it's the same quality of water."

Head of the Science Department says that they have also spent a great deal of time sensitizing the students on how the drinking fountain works, and why it is not only beneficial to them but also to the environment

Tyrone Harris, HOD, Science, Wesley College
"So as it relates to the upkeep of the water system, we have entered into a memorandum of understanding where we have a contract with the installer, which is pure filter where they come in and maintain the bottling system by removing the membrane or changing the filters so that helps with the upkeep of the installation of this water bottling system. We have cameras installed to ensure that no one campers with the system and also the brand or the installation is very very sturdy and so we would feel or we know that it will last for a number of years."

"We have also done an education campaign, whereas we sensitize the students of the causes of plastics and pollutions or the problems that plastics may cause, and what is it that we can do to resolve this issue installing this water bottling system we are now using the reuse and refill of water bottles so it reduces the amount of plastics that is being placed particularly the water pouches that are placed on the compound. So that is what we did, we desensitized the students and educated them in that manner."

Inspired by this initiative the students also took to painting a mural beside the fountain, in an attempt to encourage their peers to make use of the resources and be mindful of the harm and damage single plastics can cause.

Jahfari Diaz, 4th Form, Wesley College
"Well we come up with the idea which was a collaboration with Sea of Life with the ocean life and thing so we just came up with the idea of doing the sea because that is just an inspiration for us to like clean up the school yard so if any plastic bottles or pouches going into the sea, it affects the sea life and any animals or anything could eat the plastic and it could harm the sea life."

"I feel good about it because we are the only school that has this water system and we want other schools to take up after our footsteps as the leader that started this water fountain station so other schools could like have lesser pollution in the environment and school compound and maybe the community will be less dirty and thing."

What, If Anything Shyne Know About Diddy, And When Did He Know It?

(posted on Wed Sep 18, 2024)
Turning back now to politics - we have to talk about Sean P Diddy Combs. He's charged for sex trafficking and other federal and has been denied bail and is tonight in jail at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn. .

Now, that's not news in Belize - unless you're Shyne Barrow - former Bad Boy records artist - who basically went to jail for P. Diddy - and famously reconciled with him upon getting out.

So what - if anything - did Shyne know about Diddy's dark underworld of sex trafficking and when did he know it? Jules Vasquez asked today:

Jules Vasquez
"Your former associate and one time boon companion, Sean P Diddy Combs, spent last night in a holding facility, in jail. And you know, he's in a, he's in a world of trouble. What are your feelings on it?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"I, one of the things that I would never wish on my worst enemy is to be incarcerated or to be, to be sick, to be bedridden. So I take no joy, in anyone's challenges, whether with the criminal justice system or otherwise."

Jules Vasquez
"ButI just like to, to clarify, and you have to be truthful in the description of the relationship."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"This is someone who, in essence, testified against me when I was on trial, when I was a, 18 year old kid. You know, just wanting to do nothing other than make my mother proud and make Belize proud and, do what all of us wanted to do, be recognized for our talent and, take over the world. I was defending him, and he turned around and called witnesses to testify against me, and he contributed, he pretty much sent me to prison. So that is the context by which you must always describe that relationship. Yes. I forgave, I moved on, but."

Jules Vasquez

"And you established a business relationship?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"No business relationship. We did not do any business."

Jules Vasquez
"You said he helped fund your political enterprise?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"I never said that. I said that he proposed to give the Howard scholarship. But let us not pretend as if I was in Miami for Thanksgiving and Christmas."

Jules Vasquez
"I saw you spent a birthday with him once."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"I went again to do a charity event for impoverished youth, in London. So let us not lose sight of what the cold, hard facts are. This was not someone, who I vacationed with, and who, he and I enjoyed this great, intimate relationship of brotherhood. This is someone who destroyed my life and who I forgive and who I moved on. And for the better interests of Belize. Because he was in a position at that time to give scholarships and to maybe invest, I would not, deny, attempting to bring the investment to Belize and to bring the contributions to education to Belize. But don't distort it as if, you know, he and I were bum-bally, this is someone that destroyed my life."

"But do I take any joy or any satisfaction with what he is going through? Absolutely not."

Jules Vasquez
"At the height of your professional relationship or thereafter through the reconciliation when he was an instrumental part of promoting you through Revolt Media, did you, were you aware of these "freak off" events and were you aware of them. Did you have any participation in them?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Oh my goodness, Jules Vasquez. (Laughs) Jules Vasquez. Jules Vasquez."

Jules Vasquez
"Were you aware of the "Freak Off's"?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Sir, I had nothing to do with Sean Combs personal life. No interaction that level. Everything was strictly on a professional level."

Jules Vasquez
"So you must have been shocked."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"You know, listen, you have you have OJ Ellington that is accused of of rape, right? And you guys move on as if it does nothing. He's still controlling a Hot Off The Press Page that he used to go after the alleged rape victims. And that's okay. You have a member of Parliament from Collett who was arrested and charged while leader of the opposition. And you give him all the praises that, you know, he is the best parliamentarian that the UDP has to offer. So obviously you don't have problems with people. And this type of repugnant behavior."

Jules Vasquez
"Sir, a Freak Off is sex trafficking, is people being drugged and serially raped."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"I don't know the details. Well, OJ was accused of rape. So it wasn't?"

Jules Vasquez
"Fair. Okay. No, not a fair comparison. He was accused."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Well, what does that have to do, well, just that has nothing to do, just that has nothing to do with me. Mr. Combs has nothing to do with me."

Shyne Says Alliance Members Officially Expelled From UDP

(posted on Wed Sep 18, 2024)
And while Barrow has renounced P Diddy, in a different context he did the same for Patrick Faber, Tracy Panton, John Saldivar, and Beverly Williams. They have been formally expelled from the UDP - according to Barrow. A press release was issued over the weekend making the announcement, but it only named three persons. Barrow said today it's actually the four of them.

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"We were just dealing with the people, the letter from the party chairman says it had been brought to his attention that these three particular people were disseminating the information, the false information, deceptive information, but it's all four of them."

"All four of them expelled?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition

"They're saying that no NPC has been held."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Yes we had Central Executive, we had NPC. Then they complained that it was only 17 people, it was only 18 people. You don't have WhatsApp press? You have Channel 7 WhatsApp, media WhatsApp."

"But we have staff meetings."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"We have staff meetings too, we had a Central Executive Meeting."

"By WhatsApp?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"No, Zoom."

Jules Vasquez:
"So they are formally and properly expelled?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Yes one of the things that, I take whatever affliction of pain that the media decides to give to me. But let's just deal with the fact. Patrick Faber created constructive resignation, he created it. It is not in the National Constitution, granted, and the Speaker made her decision, but in the United Democratic Party, he removed a sitting member of the House from the party, not from the house, but from the party and all that is happening now is karma. We can't undo the precedent that he set as party chairman. Our party chairman has been in the party just as long as him, had sacrificed just as much as him. Served as Senator, served as Speaker, served as Minister-."

Jules Vasquez:
"Those aren't comparable. One is elected."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"That is the problem, in a democracy, we are all equal. The people are equal to the Prime Minister, we allow the Prime Minister to administer our affairs. Certain members because they're elected and because they served decades, it doesn't make them more powerful or more righteous or any more entitled that any of us."

One Opposition Bench, But Not One Party

(posted on Wed Sep 18, 2024)
We also asked Barrow about whether both Panton and Faber appearing on the opposition bench in the House a few seats down from him meant anything. He flatly rejected that.

Jules Vasquez
"If you abstained and the members who the speaker says are still UDP members on your side..."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opp.
"No, no, no, no, no, no..."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opp.
"Tracy Panton? The speaker says, sir."

"The Speaker on Sunup went on your morning show and said that her decision in the House has nothing to do with any political organization that the people in the House of Representatives are members of the House. She does not refer to them as UDP's or PUP's, and she mentioned it again that listen, my decision has no implication, takes into consideration no political affiliation or organization. They are members of the National Assembly, so do not try to distort what the speaker has to say."

Speaker Explains Balance Of Power On Opposition Bench

(posted on Wed Sep 18, 2024)
Here's how the speaker explained the opposition arrangement when she appeared on Sunup on Monday. She said, it cannot be about parties - it about the area they were voted to represent:

Valerie Woods, Speaker of the House
"But every single individual duly elected has those rights it's not restricted to a party of persons or a group of persons and so as long as we can abide by the rules that is what I look for. If you notice the speaker will never, the speaker refers to a member for, a member for Freetown a member for Corozal north. Never refers to from where or which political party the person is from and never refers to the name of the person. And there is a reason for that if you go through the standing orders and even if you go through the constitution it doesn't refer to naming of the political party so once you are elected duly elected to the House of Representatives you are a member for the area you are elected for and your rights and your privileges are not truncated or diminished because of any internal issue you may be having from the party that you affiliate yourself with and that like I've said before it is not the role of the speaker to get into that."

A Cute Mural By Cuties

(posted on Wed Sep 18, 2024)
If you haven't been by Rodger's Stadium today, you might not have seen the new art work that has been added to the walls outside. The City Council held an unveiling ceremony this morning, as part of an annual initiative they started two years ago. Jomarie Lanza was there and here's what she saw.

Young artists, students from Wesley Lower school are the creative minds and hands behind the new mural outside of Rodger's stadium. It's an initiative that was started by the Belize City Council to pay tribute to the September Celebrations. Deputy Mayor Allan Pollard says that at times this often drab city is in need of a pop of color here and there.

Allan Pollard, Deputy Mayor, Belize City
"What you are today seeing on display is something that we have been doing so far as part of the September celebrations you know for Belize city. If you can see on the cemetery road side where we started it a couple years ago where we've had artists actually take on this Rodger's stadium fence and you know depict some of their artistic creativity and blend it with a bit of patriotism and we have continued along this side and this year we have done a little twist in incorporating some of the artists you know from the primary schools so we went for younger artists and as you can see it is still a beautiful masterpiece and just having them out here coming together as a class being creative and coming up with something so masterful is very appreciated by us here at the city and it adds to the overall aesthetics that we have here overall in Belize City."

Some of the young artists told us how they brought the mural to life.

Amani Cooper, STD 6 Student, Wesley Lower
"I painted the Toucan, but it was, I didn't think I could do it but I did it. It was very very fun very fun."

"Do you feel like you've grown as an artist?"

Amani Cooper, STD 6 Student, Wesley Lower
"Yes mam."

Omar O'neil, STD 4 Student, Wesley Lower
"Well my teacher saw me drawing so she invited me and that's how I got in yes mam."

"What parts of it did you paint?"

Omar O'neil, STD 4 Student, Wesley Lower
"The Tapir."

The Mural inspired by Belize's National Symbols, was overseen and guided by curator and creative himself, Gilvano Swasey who played a huge role in assisting these kids

Allan Pollard, Deputy Mayor, Belize City
"As you know Gilvano is there are not many words I can use to describe how big of an artist he is and how big of an impact he has on artistry in Belize so to have him lead the students are really bring out the best in them artistically is something we really appreciate from him and as you can see how we incorporated that with the books and education only a curator like himself can successfully create that and bring that message across to the students. I think he did an awesome job with the kids and of course some guidance from their teachers as well it was an awesome blend and excellent blend and we are very very pleased with what we are seeing here today with the outcome."

Towering Statue Of Price Unveiled

(posted on Wed Sep 18, 2024)
And the patriotic art spree continues tonight at Battlefield Park. That's where an 11 foot statue of George Price by Stephen Okeke is being unveiled at this hour.

We'll have the full report on the event in tomorrow's news.

Shyne Says PM Should Have Come Back With Protocol, Not Photo Ops

(posted on Wed Sep 18, 2024)
Turning back now to politics with a shot of diplomacy - Shyne Barrow today stressed that the Briceno government needs to do more to protect the Sarstoon. This month alone there have been two reported incursions. Briceno and Fonseca have said that protest notes were sent, as is the norm. But Barrow says the previous meeting with the Guatemalan president should have yielded more results rather than just photo ops.

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Being candid and taking principled positions, to me, and being consistent is what we would hope from the government. I can assure you that when the Prime Minister met with the president of Guatemala, Sarstoon was not on the agenda, the continued aggression in our waters was not on the agenda. They are more concerned with being friends and being polite and exchanging niceties. You don't have to be rude, you don't have to go to Guatemala and declare war, but you have to say, listen, this is what we need. I promised Belizeans that I would have a Sarstoon protocol, let's work this out. Let's come to a solution. I need to deliver this for my people. I need to protect my BDF, I need to protect my Coast Guard, I need to protect civilians. I want to traverse our waters. Let's figure this out. But we have not seen any deliverables. Again, Prime Minister went to Mexico begging the outgoing Mexican president and said that he agreed to give us the 25MW, that has not happened yet. So what the Prime Minister knows how to do is to try to shape narratives and deceive the people. So he will have the drums playing, the marching band, the BDF marching band, all of this pomp and circumstance. But what is the reality?"

Will Shyne Switch To Mainland China?

(posted on Wed Sep 18, 2024)
And significantly less clear cut diplomatic decision making is required for Shyne Barrow and the UDP to navigate between Belize's long time ally Taiwan and mainland China.

Shyne threw major shade at Taiwan in the lats house meeting and we asked him what's next:

Jules Vasquez
"Will you stick to your decision, or is there some conciliation afoot with the Taiwanese?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Well, that is not factually true that every UDP leader has pledged support to Taiwan because it was actually, Right Honorable Dean Burrow as Minister of Foreign Affairs."

Jules Vasquez
"He wasn't prime minister."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Sir. Okay. May I answer? Please. I would like to answer. Okay, so Prime Minister Manuel Esquivel as UDP leader, established diplomatic ties with China. That is the truth in 1984. So let us be factual. So every UDP leader has not supported Taiwan. Sir Manuel Esquivel in 1984 established relations with China."

Jules Vasquez
"Fair, sir, will you follow his lead?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"My position as relates to Taiwan was on a specific basis of what myself and many colleagues, in the executive believe was interference with our democracy and, just, corrupt activity to be giving, monies to the NGO, the NGO of the Prime Minister's family,"

"And to not, support the opposition. If you want to support democracy, then you support everyone."

Jules Vasquez
"Could this all be solved if the Taiwanese would say "see it ya Mr Shyne - meek we handle you."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"The fact of the matter is, we don't represent ourselves. We represent people. So if there is a formula that they are following where the help NGOs belonging to the Prime Minister's family, then it would only be expected that they would help NGOs related to the opposition leader or to the opposition United Democratic Party, because you're helping the Belizean people."

"I have taken extreme foreign policy positions before, but I have evolved to a level where I believe in being centered and moderation. I don't believe extremism gets you anywhere, no matter how strongly you feel."

Jules Vasquez
"Sir, you just repudiated Belize's greatest contributor and ally because they never "handle you" for election."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"What are you talking about?"

Jules Vasquez
"But how can you state this is maturation?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Sir, sir, sir, be fair. Don't defame me, brother. No, I did not repudiate anyone. I am telling you that the colleagues in the party that feel that you are interfering with our democracy when you are giving one, why would Taiwan give one political party any money?"

Jules Vasquez
"So you believe we should maintain relations with Taiwan nonetheless?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"The party, the UDP will guide on that decision. The cabinet will guide on that decision. I have great difficulty with the behavior of Taiwan. China is the world's second largest economy. America, the UK, France, all of the G7 have relations with China, and there are only ten nations out of all of the United Nations that have relations with Taiwan."

"So for a nation that is hungry by a thread, to be interfering in people's democracy, to me is not smart."

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